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The app directory is where One handles universal file system routing. Every file you create in it will be turned into a route, except for files named _layout. One only supports file system routes at this time, but we have a discussion for those who want to help us figure out a configuration-based approach.

Here's an example:


Wraps all files in this directory and below


Matches "/"



Matches "/blog"


Matches a single sub-path of "/blog", like "/blog/hello"


Matches all sub-paths, like "/blog/hello/world"

One routes support the popular feature of nested layouts, via _layout.tsx files, and parallel render-as-you-fetch data loading via export loader.

Route Structure

All .tsx files in the app dir are used to match your routes, besides layouts. Each individual file is referred to as a "page" to disambiguate them from the term "route," which we use to refer to the actual URL state in a browser on web (or React Navigation state on native).

All pages must export a React component to be rendered. You can choose between two ways to export it: export default or plain export. If you don't default export, we look for the first export that is capitalized. The reason we support this is simple - the React Refresh library doesn't support hot reloading default exports. We're looking into modifying it to support them for route files, but until then you may want to simply use export to maintain a nice hot reloading experience.

Simple Routes

A simple page that matches the / route and will render on native and web:


import { Text } from 'react-native'
export default function HomePage() {
return (
<Text>Hello world</Text>

If you are targeting web-only, you may use HTML elements:


export default function HomePage() {
return (
<div>Hello world</div>

All index files match against /, so app/index.tsx matches to your root / route. You can give your page a name as well, for example app/about.tsx will the /about route.

Dynamic Routes

The segments of a route, for example /hello/world, are referred to as "route parameters" or just "params", where "hello" and "word" are each a single parameter. Pages can match against parameters dynamically in two ways: matching a single parameter, or matching all parameters below them.

Single Parameter Routes

One uses brackets to match against a single dynamic parameter: ./blog/[slug].tsx matches /blog/post-one and /blog/post-two:



Matches "/blog"


Matches a single sub-path of "/blog", like "/blog/hello"

One will match ./blog/[slug].tsx to any /blog/* route, and pass in the parameters to the route as follows:

export function loader({ params }) {
// params.slug will be a string matching the URL parameter
export default function BlogPostPage({ params }) {
// params.slug will be a string matching the URL parameter

Rest Parameter Routes

Much like JavaScript supports rest parameters, One supports rest parameter routes which are defined using the [].tsx syntax.



Matches "/catalog"


Matches all sub-paths of "/catalog", like "/catalog/a/b/c"

In the case where a user navigates to /catalog/a/b/c, the [].tsx route would receive a params prop as follows:

export function loader({ params }) {
// is an array ['a', 'b', 'c']
export default function BlogPostPage({ params }) {
// is an array ['a', 'b', 'c']

Routing Modes

You can choose a rendering strategy on a per-page basis using a filename suffix. For more on these modes, see the next documentation page, Routing Modes.

  • route+ssg.tsx - Matches "/route", but will render the page as a SSG route.
  • route+spa.tsx - Matches "/route", but will render the page as a SPA route.
  • route+ssr.tsx - Matches "/route", but will render the page as a SSR route.
  • route+api.tsx - Matches "/route", but will render the page as an API route.

Routing per-platform

You can target a specific platform using the same specific extension convention as React Native - ie, using .web.tsx, .native.tsx, .ios.tsx, or .android.tsx as the last part of the filename.

This lets you diverge the routing based on the platform. For example:


Matches "/" on native"


Matches "/" on web


Matches "/blog" on web, on native there will be no route


You can define a group by naming a folder with surrounding parenthesis:




This layout will nest inside the above layout


Matches "/blog"


Matches a single sub-path of "/blog", like "/blog/hello"

Groups are useful for a couple reasons:

  • They're useful to organize similar things without forcing you to nest URL segments.
  • They let you nest layouts, also without nesting segments.

404 / Not found Routes

Adding a +not-found.tsx file anywhere will act as a catch-all route for any route that is hit that doesn't match against the current URL. It acts much like a [].tsx style route in this way, except the server will send it with a 404 response status.

These routes match lowest in strength, so a rest parameter route will always override it.


One generates types for your routes, so that you get type checking on a variety of things like the Link component.

The types are generated into your root directory, in a routes.d.ts file. You must make sure your tsconfig.json picks up this file.

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