
This page covers anything One does during development and in production that modifies your environment.


Loading .env files and process.env

One sets and handle environment variables for in a few ways.

First, it handles loading .env files during development and in production. In order to ease compatibility with ESM and CJS, One makes your loaded environment variables (from .env and from process.env) automatically be defined onto both import.meta.env and process.env.

Second, One ensures that all environment variables loaded are only available to the server-side functionality, unless they are prefixed with either VITE_ (to match Vite convention) or ONE_PUBLIC_.

So, for example ONE_PUBLIC_DAYTIME=false one dev would set both process.env.ONE_PUBLIC_DAYTIME and import.meta.env.ONE_PUBLIC_DAYTIME to be the string "false" on both server and client.

But, SOME_RANDOM_VAR=2 would not be exposed to the client side, because it lacks the appropriate prefix.

Preset environment variables

One also sets some environment variables for you, available on both process.env and import.meta.env.

  • ONE_CACHE_KEY is set to a random number for each production build, or once for each development server run. You can use this to have a stable cache key across releases.
  • VITE_ENVIRONMENT is set to "client" for client-side web, "server" for server-side web, and "ios" or "android" for native platforms, respectively.
  • ONE_SERVER_URL is set only in development to the current running server URL, like You are expected to set this yourself for production builds.
  • ONE_DEFAULT_RENDER_MODE is set to either "ssr", "ssg", or "spa" based on your defaultRenderMode setting
  • ONE_APP_NAME is set to your app.key setting
  • TAMAGUI_REACT_19 is set to 1, which turns on Tamagui React 19 mode automatically for you, for performance if using Tamagui.

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