
<Stack />

This component should only be rendered inside a _layout.tsx file, where it will serve as the location that children will render for routes below the layout.

Stack is simply a React Navigation Native Stack view and accepts the same props as React Navigation.

import { Stack } from 'one'
import { Button } from 'react-native'
export default function Layout() {
return (
<Stack screenOptions={{ headerRight() { return ( <Button label="Settings" /> ) }, }} />


You can customize the children of the Stack in your layout by passing a children prop to Stack has Stack.Screen elements, like so:

import { Stack } from 'one'
export default function Layout() {
return (
<Stack.Screen name="index" options={{ title: 'Feed' }} />
<Stack.Screen name="[id]" options={{ title: 'Post' }} />
<Stack.Screen name="sheet" options={{ presentation: 'formSheet', gestureDirection: 'vertical', animation: 'slide_from_bottom', headerShown: false, }} />

The name must match the full name of the file inside app, without the extension but including groups.

In this example we are setting index, [id], and sheet screens, which would correspond to index.tsx and [id].tsx and sheet.tsx pages in the same directory.

This is a convenient way to configure settings for each page up front, but you could also render Stack.Screen inside each individual page so you can access data loaded inside that page. The upside of doing it in the layout is that it will configure things before any stack animation runs on enter, with the downside being that you can't access page-level data.

The options property passes to the React Navigation NativeStack, and so takes the same options.

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