One aims to make web + native with React and React Native much simpler, and faster.

One takes Vite, makes it serve React web and React Native. Then adds FS routes, render modes, loaders, middleware, a CLI, Hono, etc.

One is a simpler framework because it's being designed alongside a sync engine, Zero.

Bootstrap an app with

5m video intro

Typed FS Routing

Typed file-system routing, nested layouts with groups.

Routing Modes

Render any page as SPA, SSR, or SSG, control the global default.


Typed loaders make it easy to bring in data and migrate from other frameworks.

Web + Native

Build a website with React. Or a native app with React Native. Or both at once.

100% Vite

Not based on Metro, One is a single Vite plugin with few dependencies.

The future of data

Integration with ZeroSync and other sync engines. Coming soon.

Testflight Icon


See a sample app on Testflight.

We built One out of our experience building cross-platform apps with Tamagui Takeout, and at Uniswap.

Copyright 2024 Tamagui, LLC